Content  5/5 (100 words in French - approx 15 sentence)
Past Tense Verbs 10/ 10 (Passé Composé or Imparfait verbs used in correct context and conjugated correctly)
Future Tense Verbs 5/5 (Futur Simple and Aller + Infinitive used correctly and conjugated correctly)

Total 25/25
Content   10/10  (You have correctly included the rules for "L'Impératif", You have explained, basic construction and when to use this verb tense, you have included examples)

Presentation     10/10 (You have created this video using Powtoons, the video is interesting and visually pleasing, You have posted the video to the "Project" section of you Weebly site.)
Content  5/5   (All words are present and published in Personal Dictionary)
Accuracy 5/5 (All words are spelled correctly)
Translation 5/5 (Words are properly translated)
Quizlet  Bonus 5/5 (List complete and embedded)
Content: 10/10 (Includes 10 sentences about your weekend, sentences are fairly complex and descriptive, a wide range of vocabulary is used, sentences are clear and properly constructed)

Verb Conjugation 10/10 (First 5 sentences are properly conjugated using aller + infinitive, Second 5 sentences are properly conjugated using the futur simple)

Total    20/20
10/10 Content - (Word Count, Brief Synopsis, Description of Pro/ Cons, Rating is included at the 
10/10 Sentence Structure -  (Clear simple sentences with correct verb conjugation)

5/ 5 Vocabulary - (Use a range of movie specific vocabulary in a the correct context)
Content: 10/10 (Includes 10 sentences about your weekend, sentences are fairly complex and descriptive, a wide range of vocabulary is used, sentences are clear and properly constructed)

Verb Conjugation 10/10 (First 5 sentences are properly conjugated using aller + infinitive, Second 5 sentences are properly conjugated using the futur simple)

Total    20/20

Content     5/5  (Your analyis is approx. 100 words, is well written and is posted in the Journal section of your website)

Analysis    5/5 (You have provided an intellingent review of this app, demonstrating clear and objectives points and 

Appearance 5/5 (Your post is well organized and includes images, links, embeds and or screen shots)

Lang 8

Content     5/5  (Your analyis is approx. 100 words, is well written and is posted in the Journal section of your website)

Analysis    5/5 (You have provided an intellingent review of this app, demonstrating clear and objectives points and 

Appearance 5/5 (Your post is well organized and includes images, links, embeds and or screen shots)

Self Evaluation    5/5   - Copy the evaluation guide into the Self Assessment section of your website and complete it
1) What is the verb tense, how is it different than the Passé Composé? (Clearly explained, and complete)     5/5

2) When do you use it?  vs when should you use the Passé Composé  (Clearly explained and complete)     5/5

3) How is it formed in the regular forms                5/5 (Clearly demonstrated with examples)        5/5

4)  How is it formed in the following irregular forms:

Avoir        2/2
Faire        2/2
Être        2/2
Aller         2/2
Manger        2/2
Croire        2/2

Presentation       10/10  (Clear, well organized, uses colour and outside charts and resources, is published in your notes)

Self Evaluation   5/5 (You have copied the above criteria and completed it in your Self Evaluation section of your website. You have answered the two questions below.

1) What would you like me to notice about your presentation
It is very neatly done and easy to understand and can be helpful for many people.

2) How did you find the explanation in Tex`s vs BonVoyage
I thought both had good information but I did use the textbooks information more because I am more familiar with how the information is layed out in the book.

Total  47/47

Method 1    
- Each method must be clearly outlined     1/1
 - Information must be accurate     2/2
- Descriptions must include a helpful picture and/or screen shots.     2/2

Method 2  
- Each method must be clearly outlined     1/1
 - Information must be accurate     2/2
- Descriptions must include a helpful picture and/or screen shots    . 2/2

Method 3  
- Each method must be clearly outlined     1/1
 - Information must be accurate     2/2
- Descriptions must include a helpful picture and/or screen shots.     2/2

Self Evaluation complete and posted in Self Evaluation section of your website
You have answered both self-evaluation questions intelligently.                5/5

Total        20/20

What would you like me to notice about your assignment?
It has very helpful resources that can be used and it is very organized.

What new skills did you learn during this activity?
I learned some new ways to do accents on the computer which makes it easier to type the French language.

Mr Mark’s Website Self Evaluation Form: French Class

Name (First and Last Initial only please ***privacy):  Z W

Grade Level:  11

Website Address (URL) :

*** Follows format

*** If it does not follow format edit it in your Weebly settings please.

1)    Home Page:  (Includes original images, and brief description of the nature of the site)      5/5

2)    Journal Page: (Is in blog form, includes original image with a French, journal theme)       5/5

3)     Moi  - ( In page form – include image(s) or video that reflects you or your interests.       5/5

4)    Personal Dictionary –(In blog form, includes original image that has a French/dictionary theme)     4/5

5)    Notes – (In blog form, includes original image that has a French/notes theme)       5/5

6)    Projects –(In blog form, includes original image that has a French/projects  theme)       5/5 

7)    Links – ( In page form and includes links to and Mr Mark's website )       5/5

Total               34/35

Is there anything else you would like me to notice:

It is very organized.